Conditioned Responses

A conditioned response is, ring a bell and feed the dog, after a while every time the dog hears a bell it salivates. this action can be removed by ringing the bell often and not feeding the dog. How many of us do this every week. We wake up on Sunday and without thinking we dress for church, even though we do all the things we are not suppose to during the week. We sit in church and the speaker says something that causes clapping and we clap even though “we” didn’t hear what was said cause are thoughts are else where. I know this happens because the Holy Spirit is telling me so. There are to many fakes in the churches, “a little leaven, leavens the whole batch” I know the scripture states not to try to pull the splinter out because of the plank, never the less a few of us have done the plank removing thing and are able to see all God wants us to. He tells me not to remove splinters so that those with them can do so for themselves, yet I am allowed to tell you that you have a splinter. This time the splinter is fakes that think they belong to the body of Christ and are cancers, you need to heal of be removed. God said it, now get it.

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What in the world?

Why are people afraid to get there hands dirty? The world has people fearing to many things that we as Christians need to over come. How many of us are afraid to get our hair wet, or allow our arm pits to sweat. and here is a really good one, Why do women need to shave their legs and under arms. I will tell you why VANITY. The world is manipulating every one into believing that if you don’t comply with these guideline that you are less of a person than those that do these things, and therefor we are to busy being concerned on our looks and not on the things that are important like how to grow a tomato. Most of us Christians would not have the first idea on how to prepare the ground in order to receive a crop, so when the trials and tribulations come they will either die or be weakened into receiving the mark, which is what the enemy wants, because the fewer free Christians there are the easier it will be to take down those whom are to get their last chance of salvation. I know of groups that go out to “third world countries” and help them to do things like grow their own food, and that is good. I think every one that loves God should learn to do so also, how can we allow ourselves to speak words to show people they are free from sin and still allow them and ourselves boundaries that have the potential to block us from true freedom. This is part of the burden we must endure from the mistake Adam and Eve made in the garden, and I pray that we can help each other out like this. God bless you and keep you.

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What’s done is done

Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise. When I read this I was overwhelmed by the finality of our Father. This applies to every thing He does, including the things we haven’t seen manifested.  Each and every day we exist is a completion of what God is doing, for the enemy is already defeated. It is my desire that everyone realize this, it doesn’t mean to stop fighting, it means to be confident when you fight that each and every blow given is “puttin a hurtin” on them, I say them because the enemy can’t fight one on one they have to gang up on us and even so we win. So keep your head up and don’t pull your punches because WHAT’S DONE IS DONE.

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Fight the good fight

I have noticed that many of those around me, even those that call themselves Christian are rising up against me. With few exceptions, the ones that know me more are the ones that I’m having the most strife with. I am thanking God for my adversaries, for I know that this is to strengthen me for the purpose He has for me. The path that Father has me on is the only thing I want to heed, I am not sure of the route, I only know of the destination, which is the foot of his throne. I know we all have our paths and that there are many, never the less they all lead to the foot of God’s throne, and those that are doing His will, will receive His gift, and those that do not do his will receive damnation. As we near the end the path becomes narrow and the footholds become slippery, so that only those that really want to be obedient to God’s will will make it with cleaned garments. So do as I do and thank God for your adversaries and FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT.

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Where credit is due

Since I have reaffirmed my Faith I have realized that most of the things I have done even in my time of  “sliding-back” was due to the Godliness in me. When I did something I would say “not me but God through me”, and recently the Holy Spirit expressed to me that some of it is me. God does not use someone unless that someone allows Him to, so being a vessel for God to work through means that I am responsible in part for that action. Now when I get kudos for my actions I often reply, “Your welcome, I thank God for making me who I am.” It is okay to accept gratitude for your actions, just use discernment so as to not take credit for something you are not even close to being able to do.

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Let your Light shine

Darkness cannot exist in the light, when the Holy spirit enters into you , you become a light for Christ. the enemy and all that is his can’t stand to look at you, the only time it can approach you and do things to you is when you allow it to, which is by shutting off your light. When we hear about God’s “glory”, it is the light that emanates from him. The only way we will be able to look into his face is to be a light ourselves. The more we do what the Word tells us to do the brighter we become, so LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE.

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Your interests

I have learned in my life that not every one that gives “good advice” is looking out for my best interest. Many times they are telling me what I want to here or something that will benefit them. Just recently the Holy Spirit expressed to me a reminder that I need to ask God whether this is what I need or what I want to hear. The Spirit also expressed that I need to pass this information along, that this applies to every one. Some times correction can be painful, either physically or spiritually, never the less it is necessary. I cannot express this enough ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR GUIDANCE IN ALL THINGS.

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I’m reading from people that are saying pray about one disaster or another, so I ask God what should I be praying about and the Spirit says, “Do not pray against God, pray as though you are already there.” so now I wait to find out where “there” is, (that was yesterday),  I awoke this morning with this on my mind,nothing happens on the Earth without Gods permission. Matt 6:25-34. So to pray for these things is to pray against God. The kingdom of God is within you, God gave us the power to rule, rule over our situations, households what ever it is in your life that you need to conquer, this is what you need to pray for. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand, freedom of this world is so close that all you have to do is reach out and touch it. So my Brothers and Sisters, when you pray be sure it is in God’s will, and then, that it is something you NEED.

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There are two constants  in life, God and change. God never changes, He asks for change in us. The first thing we do when we decide to walk with God is change, we were a sinner, now we are saved. Each and every day brings us to new challenges and to conquer them we need to make changes. We are by nature creatures of habit. God does not want us to live in the natural, He wants us to live in the Spirit. The hardest thing we can do is break these habits. Most of us will not be able to do this, Matthew22:14 For many are called, but few chosen. I pray that you get the strength to change, God Bless.

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Yes God

This is just a short post to say that our Father is the best. In Matthew 6:25-34, Big  Brother says to not be anxious about the things we need because Father will provide. This is so true, on a daily basis I discover the things God provides for me to meet my needs. This whole month (Aug., 2011) with no money of my own (for I had none), I have not gone a single day with out food for myself or fuel for my motorcycle, each time I get low on either some one would bless me with what is needed. We serve an Awesome God.

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